I used to hate taking out the camera and videoing myself lift, but as a Coach I now realize how beneficial this is for any lifter, with or without a coach. Here a few benefits to videoing your lifts:
Slow Down
Great camera applications like “Coaches Eye” can slow down the lift ~frame by frame~ which can show you a LOT about a lifters position vs. watching in full speed. You can see how the first pull position was, when the 3rd pull was initiated, torso positioning etc…
We’ve all been there before where we thought the lift looked bad ass and the bar path was so tight….but when we actually see the lift it didn’t look ANYTHING like we thought it would. This is why it’s important to have a visual feed back. It gives the lifter the full ‘truth’ about how the lift looked like, despite how it felt.
Immediate Feedback
To follow up with awareness, the video gives the lifter immediate feedback. Say if the lifter didn’t have the video feedback, the lifter will continue the training session thinking he/she had great positioning. Thankfully the lifter has video feedback and can make adjustments accordingly. Even if the lifter had a coach, sometimes visual cues just click better.
Bottom line, have your teammate help video you or take the 10sec it takes to set up a video. While “Coach’s Eye” is a great application, it’s not necessary, pretty much camera would suffice.
Stay strong,