“You got to be good before you’re great”
I’m not sure who said this but it’s so true. EVERY one wants to be great but no one wants to be good FIRST, many don’t understand that greatness comes through levels of dedication and hard work.
For Olympic Weightlifting, young you-tubing Weightlifters love to look up to the Chinese, Russian, Bulgarian, etc… countries and focus on what they do. But they fail to see the MANY that did not “survive” the training to get into or make it through the Weightlifting schools/camps/clubs. They ONLY see the “survivors of the fittest” getting stronger, I can’t blame them, youtube only shows the success of the lifters and not the ones that failed. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to see the amazing lifts from these guys and use it as motivation but if you’re like the typical Olympic Weightlifter, this means you have a job, family, and school that can limit your growth. Not many Weightlifters can dedicate their full time to focus on Weightlifting, especially in NYC.
Get to the point…
Ok I’m done with the bitch fest, my point being is that most Weightlifters could benefit greatly by focusing on a balanced attack of technique, strength, and rest. This is where you become “good” THIS is where you build your foundation to become GREAT. Build a strong foundation and it’ll come together, try to jump to greatness without the “good” and most Weightlifters will fail.
Train smart,
Team Fusion Weightlifting