*240kg Clean! WTF?!
Programming for Olympic weightlifting can be very complex. You have to go over so many questions like:
- How to progress to squatting and lifting multiple times a week?
- Is squatting every workout bad?
- How many times do I do the full lifts vs. auxiliary?
- How do I program my upper body?
- How do I FIT all these things into a weeks workout?!
Sometimes lifters get so caught up with all the details of programming for weightlifting that they forget to just lift. I assume that most of the people reading this are novice weightlifters and just getting their feet weight into the great sport of Olympic weightlifting. For anyone just starting you need to just get a crap load of reps underneath your belt = less time on the computer, more time on the platform.
I’m not knocking anyone, I’ve been there, I’ve stayed up late at night trying to create a bad ass program that increases your lifts, press, squats, pulls, and gets you jacked up all at once! And what did the hours and days of research give me…..It ended up being a waste of time. What I just needed was to vary the volume and intensity with variations of heavy/medium/low intensity workouts spread throughout the week.
Volume Variation
For anyone starting off, as stated, you just need reps. Generally speaking to program this you should focus on more medium intensity medium volume days, maybe one technique day, and if you feel up to it a ONE heavy day. It’s not glamorous, you’re not screaming and getting psyched up to lift some massive weight, but what it does do is build a strong foundation. It’ll get you stronger in the right positions to handle heavier loads to hold the CORRECT positions.
Nothing fancy, just straight lifting 🙂
Stay strong,