One of the many jobs for a Weightlifting Coach is to translate his/her thoughts in a comprehendible manner that will be executed by the athlete. This sounds very simplistic but can be very overwhelming for the young Coach and Weightlifter. Most Coaches just starting out are extremely over zealous and try to fix as many errors as possible by cueing this and that…for example:
*Weightlifter steps off platform and is approached by Coach who says:
“Ok, good job but you need to make sure you push your shins further back, stay over the bar longer, be patient, drive with speed, have a straight extension, faster elbows, work on your feet position, and stay upright in the squat.”
What does this do? It will clearly overwhelm the lifter and bog the Weightlifters head down with WAY too many cues.
My tip
Keep cues as simple as possible and try to focus on the most bang for your buck. Meaning, if the first pull is a mess, you may want to focus on fixing that, since this is your foundation for the lift. From there work your way up to the next big error and keep trickling down.
And try not to cue your lifter while he’s attempting a lifting, at that point they should be fully focused on the lift itself…just my thought.
Hope this helps,
Team Fusion